PySCeS is available for all major operating systems. The easiest way to install PySCeS is to use a Python package manager.
PyPIpip install pysces
Condaconda install -c conda-forge -c pysces pysces
Latest source (GitHub see for instructions)
git clone
The main branch contains the latest release code, for the latest development code, checkout the development branch. I you would like to contribute to PySCeS please do so using pull requests against development.
For more information on using and citing PySCeS try the documentation or 2005 Bioinformatics publication.
PySCeS source code, issue tracker and wiki available on GitHub and see who is citing PySCeS on Google Scholar.
PySCeS releases are archived on Zenodo and can be referred to as DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2600905
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